Massimo Delfino
- Department of Earth Sciences
- SSD: GEO/01 - paleontology and paleoecology

- Department of Earth Sciences
- Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
- Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo
Curriculum vitae

Selected research products
DELFINO M., COHEN B.F., GOVENDER R., HAARHOFF P., MACALUSO L., MARINO L., MATTHEWS T., WENCKER L.C.M. & PAVIA, M. (2024). Towards the origin of South African tortoises: a new Chersina species from the Early Pliocene fossil site of Langebaanweg. Zoological Journal Linnean Society, 202(3), zlae146. [IF 2023: 3.0; Q1 (Zoology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., VILLA A., IVANOV M. & DELFINO M., 2024. New diverse amphibian and reptile assemblages from the late Neogene of northern Greece provide novel insights into the emergence of extant herpetofaunas of the southern Balkans. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 143: 34. [91 pp.] [IF 2023: 3.0; Q1 (Palaeontology)]
MONGIOVÌ F, WALTER J.D., BIZZARINI F., COBIANCHI M., GIUSBERTI L., MARTIRE L., SERAFINI G., ZANDONAI F. & DELFINO M., 2024 - online first. First record of Metriorhynchidae (Crocodylomorpha, Thalattosuchia) from the Lower Cretaceous of northeastern Italy: high-resolution biostratigraphy, morphological description and comparative pelagic taphonomy. Historical Biology, XXXXXXXX [IF 2023 1.4; Q3 (Paleontology)]
MONTI S., MACALUSO L. & DELFINO M., 2024 - online first. The tooth-bearing skeletal elements of the Italian urodeles, a comparative tool for osteological identification. Acta Herpetologica, 19: XXXXXXXX doi: 10.36253/a_h-15648 [IF 2023 0,6; Q4 (Zoology)]
PAVIA M., BRAGA J., DELFINO M., KGASI L., MANEGOLD A., STEININGER C., ZIPFEL B. & VAL A., 2024. A new species of lovebird (Aves, Psittaculidae, Agapornis) from the Plio-Pleistocene of the Cradle of Humankind (Gauteng, South Africa). Geobios, XXXXXXXX [IF 2023 1.6; Q2 (Paleontology)]
PIÑERO P., LÓPEZ-GARCÍA J.M., BLAIN H.-A., CARNEVALE G., FURIÓ M., GIUNTELLI P., LUZI E., MACALUSO L., MARRAMÀ G., PAVIA G., PAVIA M., PEZZETTI C., ROCCA M., SÁNCHEZ-BANDERA C., VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2024. Multiproxy approach to reconstruct the climate and environment of a new late Middle Pleistocene vertebrate site in northwestern Italy. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 634: 111935 [IF 2023 2,6; Q1 (Paleontology)]
PREZZI A., CHIESA E., DELFINO M. & CARRETERO M.A., 2024. Predation of Ocellated Skink, Chalcides ocellatus (Forskål, 1775), by the Common Kestrel, Falco tinnunculus, in a Sardinian dunal ecosystem, Italy. Herpetology Notes, 17: 403-405.
RAMELLO G., DELFINO M., MORI E., VIVIANO A., PAVIA G., CARNEVALE G. & PAVIA M., 2024. Holocene vertebrate assemblages provide the first evidence for the presence of the barn owl (Tytonidae, Tyto alba) on Socotra Island (Yemen). Geobios, 83: 85-98. [IF 2023 1.6; Q2 (Paleontology)]
WALTER J.D., MARRAMÀ G., PAVIA M., CARNEVALE G. & DELFINO M., 2024. A shark turns into an undetermined crocodylian: the case of Acanthias bicarinatus Sismonda, 1849. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 63(1): 83-87. [IF 2023 1.3; Q3 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A., QUADROS A.B., DELFINO M., LUJÁN À.H., A. BOLET, CASANOVAS-VILAR I., J.M. ROBLES & DAVID M. ALBA, 2024. The rise and fall of the Iberian cobras (Elapidae, Naja) in the context of their European and global fossil record. Papers in Palaeontology, e1575. [IF 2023 2.3; Q1 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M., FRITZ U., BONFIGLIO L., MARINO L., RAGNI C. & INSACCO G., 2023. Late Pleistocene evidence for the presence of Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in Sicily. Bolletino Società Paleontologica Italiana, 62(3): 289-299. [IF 1.3; Q3 (Paleontology)]
MACALUSO L.*, WENCKER L.C.M., CASTROVILLI M., CARNEVALE G. & DELFINO M.*, 2023 (online first 2022). A comparative atlas of selected skeletal elements of European urodeles (Amphibia: Urodela) for palaeontological investigations. Zoological Journal Linnean Society, 197: 569-619. [IF 3.0; Q1 (Zoology)]
MACALUSO L., BERTINI A., CARNEVALE G., ERONEN J., MARTINETTO E., SAARINEN J., VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2023. A combined palaeomodelling approach reveals the role as selective refugia of the Mediterranean peninsulas. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 625: 111699. [IF 2.6; Q1 (Paleontology)]
MUSCIONI M., CHIARENZA A.A.*, DELFINO M., FABBRI M., MILOCCO K. & FANTI F.*, 2023. Acynodon adriaticus from Villaggio del Pescatore (Campanian of Italy): anatomical and chronostratigraphic integration improves phylogenetic resolution in Hylaeochampsidae (Eusuchia). Cretaceous Research, 151: 105631. [IF 1.9; Q1 (Paleontology)]
ZOBOLI D., GEORGALIS G.L., ARCA M., TUVERI C., CARBONI S., LECCA L., PILLOLA G.L., ROOK L., VILLANI M., CHESI F.& DELFINO M., 2023 (online first 2022). An overview of the fossil turtles from Sardinia (Italy). Historical Biology, 35(8): 1484-1513. [IF 1.4; Q3 (Paleontology)]
BLAIN H.-A., FAGOAGA A., SÁNCHEZ-BANDERA C., RUIZ-SÁNCHEZ F.J., SINDACO R. & DELFINO M., 2022. New paleoecological inferences based on the Early Pleistocene amphibian and reptile assemblage from Dmanisi (Georgia, Lesser Caucasus). Journal of Human Evolution, 162, 103117. [IF 3.2; Q1 (Anthropology)]
Casanovas-Vilar I., GarcÉs M., Marcuello Á., Abella J., Madurell-Malapeira J., Jovells-VaquÉ S., Cabrera L., Galindo J., Beamud E., Ledo J.J., Queralt P., MartÍ A., Sanjuan J., Martín-Closas C., JiménÉz-Moreno G., Luján À.H., Villa A., DeMiguel D., SÁnchez I.M., Robles J.M., FuriÓ M., Van den Hoek Ostende L.W., SÁnchez Marco A., Sanisidro Ó., Valenciano A., GarcÍa-Paredes I., Angelone C., Pons-Monjo G., Azanza B., Delfino M., Bolet A., Grau-Camats M., VizcaÍno V., Mormeneo D., Kimura Y., MoyÀ-SolÀ S. & Alba D.M., 2022. Els Casots (Subirats, Catalonia), a key locality for the Miocene vertebrate record of Southwestern Europe. Historical Biology, 38(8): 1494-1508. [IF 1.4; Q3 (Paleontology)]
MACALUSO L. *, MANNION P.D., EVANS S.E., CARNEVALE G., MONTI S., MARCHITELLI D. & DELFINO M.*, 2022. Biogeographic history of Palearctic caudates revealed by a critical appraisal of their fossil record quality and spatiotemporal distribution. Royal Society Open Science, 9: 220935. [IF 3.5; Q2 (Multidisciplinary Science)]
MACALUSO L., CARNEVALE G. & DELFINO M., 2022. Record fossile, biogeografia e nicchia climatica degli urodeli endemici della bioprovincia italiana. In: Biaggini M., Corti C., Giacobbe D., Lo Cascio P., Restivo S. (eds), Herpetologia Siciliae, XIII Congresso Nazionale Societas Herpetologica Italica (Lipari 22-26 settembre 2021), Il Naturalista Siciliano, 46(1): 287-294.
PILI M., VILLA A., RACCA L., BAILON S. & DELFINO M., 2022. Atlante osteologico, chiave dicotomica e filogenesi preliminari degli anuri europei. In: Biaggini M., Corti C., Giacobbe D., Lo Cascio P., Restivo S. (eds), Herpetologia Siciliae, XIII Congresso Nazionale Societas Herpetologica Italica (Lipari 22-26 settembre 2021), Il Naturalista Siciliano, 46(1): 229-234.
SEGHETTI S.M., GEORGALIS G.L., TSCHOPP E. & DELFINO M., 2002. A historical overview of the reptile fauna from the Eocene Bolca Fossil-Lagerstätte (Italy). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 61(2): 119-143. [IF 1.1; Q3 (Paleontology)]
TSCHOPP E., NAPOLI J.G., WENCKER L.C.M., DELFINO M. & UPCHURCH P., 2022 (online first 2021). How to render species comparable taxonomic units through deep time: a case study on intraspecific osteological variability in extant and extinct lacertid lizards. Systematic Biology, 71(4): 875–900. [IF 6.5; Q1 (Evolutionary Biology)]
VALENTI P., VLACHOS E., KEHLMAIER C., FRITZ U., GEORGALIS G.L., LUJÁN À.H., MICCICHÈ R., SINEO L. & DELFINO M.*, 2022. The last of the large-sized tortoises of the Mediterranean islands. Zoological Journal Linnean Society, 196: 1704-1717. [IF 2.8; Q1 (Zoology)]
VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2022. First fossil of Varanus (Squamata: Varanidae) from the Miocene Siwaliks of Pakistan. Geodiversitas, 44(7): 229-235. [IF 2021: 1.8; Q2 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A., GOBBI S. & DELFINO M., 2022 (online first 2021). Additions to the early Miocene herpetofauna of Weisenau (Germany): urodeles and squamates from a rediscovered historical collection in Italy. PalZ, 96(1): 113–127. [1.8; Q2 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M., LUJÁN À.H., ABELLA J., ALBA D.M., BÖHME M., PÉREZ-RAMOS A., TSCHOPP E., MORALES J. & MONTOYA P., 2021 (published online 2020). Late Miocene remains from Venta del Moro (Iberian Peninsula) provide further insights on the dispersal of crocodiles across the late Miocene Tethys. Journal of Paleontology, 95, 184-192. [IF: 1.628; Q3 (Paleontology)]
AZZARÀ B., BOSCHIAN G., BROCHU C.A., DELFINO M., IURINO D.A., KIMAMBO J.S., Manzi G., MASAO F.T., MENCONERO S., NJAU J.K. & CHERIN M.*, 2021. A new cranium of Crocodylus anthropophagus from Olduvai Gorge, northern Tanzania. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia,127(2): 297-354. [IF: 1.929; Q2 (Palaeontology)]
BARTOLINI-LUCENTI S., CIRILLI O., DELFINO M., PANDOLFI L. & ROOK L., 2021. La fauna di Cava Monticino (Brisighella, RA) nel contesto dei popolamenti continentali dell’area circum-mediterranea durante il Miocene terminale. In: Rook, L. (Ed.) La fauna messiniana di Cava Monticino (Brisighella, RA), Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, 37: 175-183.
CARRILLO-BRICEÑO J.D., SÁNCHEZ R., SCHEYER T. M., CARRILLO J.D., DELFINO M., GEORGALIS G.L., KERBER L., RUIZ-RAMONI D., BIRINDELLI J.L.O., CADENA E.A., RINCÓN A.F., CHAVEZ-HOFFMEISTER M., CARLINI A.A., CARVALHO M.R., TREJOS-TAMAYO R., VALLEJO F., JARAMILLO C., JONES D.S. & SÁNCHEZ-VILLAGRA M.R., 2021. A Pliocene-Pleistocene continental biota from Venezuela. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 140: 9. [76 pp.] [IF 2021: 2.069; Q2 (Palaeontology)]
GARDNER J.D., VILLA A., COLOMBERO S., VENCZEL M. & DELFINO M., 2021. A Messinian (latest Miocene) occurrence for Albanerpeton (Lissamphibia: Albanerpetontidae) at Moncucco Torinese, Piedmont Basin, northwestern Italy, and a review of the European Cenozoic record for albanerpetontids. Geodiversitas, 43(14) : 391-404. [IF: 2.185; Q2 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L. & DELFINO M., 2021. The Scontrone turtles – A new insular testudinoid fauna from the late Miocene of the Central Mediterranean. Geobios, 68: 71-81. [IF: 2.115; Q2 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., MACALUSO L. & DELFINO M., 2021. A review of the fossil record of Afro-Arabian turtles of the clade Testudinoidea. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 62(1): 43–78. [IF 2020: 0.933; Q4 (Biodiversity Conservation)]
MACALUSO L.*, VILLA A., PITRUZZELLA G., ROOK L., CARNEVALE G. & DELFINO M.*, 2021. A progressive extirpation: an overview of the fossil record of Salamandrina (Salamandridae, Urodela). Historical Biology, 33(12): 3732-3740. [IF: 1.942; Q2 (Paleontology)]
MACALUSO L., VILLA A., CARNEVALE G. & DELFINO M., 2021. Past, present, and future climate space of the only endemic vertebrate genus of the Italian peninsula. Scientific Reports, 11: 22139. [IF: 4.996; Q2 (Multisciplinary Science)]
SEGHETTI S.M.*, VILLA A., TSCHOPP E., BERNARDINI F., LADDAGA L., FANELLI M., LEVI R., & DELFINO M.*, 2021 (online first 2020). Skull osteology of Vipera walser (Squamata, Viperidae): description, variability, ontogeny, and diagnostic characters in comparison to other Italian vipers. Journal of Morphology, 282(1): 5–47. [IF: 1.966; Q3 (Anatomy & -Morphology)]
SCHMITT T., FRITZ U., DELFINO M., ULRICH W. & HABEL J.C., 2021. Biogeography of Italy revisited: genetic lineages confirm major phylogeographic patterns and a pre-Pleistocene origin of its biota. Frontiers in Zoology, 18: 34. [13 pp] [IF: 3.300; Q1 (Zoology)]
SORBELLI L., VILLA A., GENTILI S., CHERIN M., CARNEVALE G., TSCHOPP E. & DELFINO M., 2021. The Early Pleistocene ectothermic vertebrates of Pietrafitta (Italy) and the last European occurrence of Latonia. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 20(26): 555-583. [IF: 2.326; Q1 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2021. Gli anfibi e rettili di Cava Monticino (Brisighella, RA). In: Rook, L. (Ed.) La fauna messiniana di Cava Monticino (Brisighella, RA), Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, 37: 55-78.
VILLA M.*, CARNEVALE G., PAVIA M., ROOK L., SAMI M., SZYNDLAR Z. & DELFINO M.*, 2021. An overview on the late Miocene vertebrates from the fissure fillings of Monticino Quarry (Brisighella, Italy), with new data on non-mammalian taxa. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 127(2): 297-354. [IF: 1.929; Q2 (Palaeontology)]
VILLA A., MINNELLI E., BONA F., BELLUCCI L., SARDELLA R. & DELFINO M., 2021 (published online 2020). The amphibians and reptiles from the Early Pleistocene of Coste San Giacomo (Anagni Basin, Italy). Historical Biology, 33(11): 3075-3083 [IF: 1.942; Q2 (Paleontology)]
WENCKER L.C.M., TSCHOPP E., VILLA A., AUGÉ M.L. & DELFINO M., 2021. Phylogenetic value of jaw elements of lacertid lizards (Squamata: Lacertoidea): a case study with Oligocene material from France. Cladistics, 37: 765-802. [IF: 4.714; Q2 (Evolutionary Biology)]
DELFINO M., 2020 (online first 2017). Early Pliocene anuran fossils from Kanapoi, Kenya, and the first fossil record for the African burrowing frog Hemisus (Neobatrachia: Hemisotidae). Journal of Human Evolution, 140: 102353. [IF 3.895; Q1 (Evolutionary Biology)]
DELFINO M., IURINO D., MERCURIO B., PIRAS P., ROOK L. & SARDELLA R., 2020. Old African fossils provide new evidence for the origin of the American crocodiles. Scientific Reports, 10: 11127. [IF 4.379; Q1 (Multisciplinary Science)]
DE RORRE A.P., BERGER J.-F., DELFINO M., KENOYER J.M., MAINI E. & AZZARÀ V.M., 2020. The Ra's al-Jinz Reloaded: Resuming Excavations at the Edge of Arabia. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 50: 109-126. [IF 2019: 0.54 ??? - ???????]
FICETOLA G.F., FANELLI M., GARIZIO L., FALASCHI M., TENAN S., GHIELMI S., LADDAGA L., MENEGON M. & DELFINO M., 2020. Estimating abundance and habitat suitability in a micro-endemic snake: the Walser viper. Acta Herpetologica, 15(2): 73-85. [IF 0.848; Q4 (Zoology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., DEL FAVERO L. & DELFINO M. 2020. Italy’s largest snake - redescription of Palaeophis oweni (Serpentes, Palaeophiidae) from the Eocene of Monte Duello, near Verona. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 65(3): 523-533. [IF 2.061; Q2 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., INSACCO G., ROOK L., SPADOLA F. & DELFINO M., 2020. Turtle remains from the late Miocene of the Cessaniti area, southern Italy-insights for a probable Tortonian chelonian dispersal from Europe to Africa. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 139: 1. [13 pp.] [IF 1.426; Q3 (Palaeontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L.*, ZOBOLI D., PÉREZ-GARCÍA A., PILLOLA G.L. & DELFINO M.*, 2020. The occurrence of Eocenochelus (Testudines, Pleurodira) from Sardinia supports palaeogeographic reconstruction of the proximity of the island to continental Western Europe during the Eocene. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 126(3): 833-846. [IF 1.561; Q3 (Palaeontology)]
LORÉAL E., VILLA A., GEORGALIS G. & DELFINO M., 2020. Amphibians and reptiles from the late Miocene and early Pliocene of the Ptolemais area (Western Macedonia, Greece). Annales de Paleontologie, 106(3): 102407 [26 pp.] [IF 0.702; Q4 (Paleontology)]
RIO J.P., MANNION P.D., TSCHOPP E., MARTIN J.E. & DELFINO M., 2020 (early view 2019). Reappraisal of the morphology and phylogenetic relationships of the alligatoroid crocodylian Diplocynodon hantoniensis from the late Eocene of the United Kingdom. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 188(2): 579-629. [IF 3.286; Q1 (Zoology)]
MACALUSO L.*, VILLA A., PITRUZZELLA G., ROOK L., POGODA P., A. KUPFER & DELFINO M.*, 2020. Osteology of the Italian endemic spectacled salamanders, Salamandrina spp. (Amphibia, Urodela, Salamandridae): selected skeletal elements for palaeontological investigations. Journal of Morphology, 281: 1391–1410. [IF 1.804; Q3 (Anatomy & -Morphology)]
MARTIN J.E., SMITH T., SALAVIALE C., ADRIEN J. & DELFINO M., 2020. Virtual reconstruction of the cranium of Bernissartia fagesii and current understanding of the neosuchian–eusuchian transition. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18(13): 1079-1101. [IF 2.566; Q1 (Paleontology)]
NICHOLL C.C., RIO J.P., MANNION P.D. & DELFINO M., 2020. A re-examination of the anatomy and systematics of the tomistomine crocodylians from the Miocene of Italy and Malta. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18(22): 1853-1889. [IF 2.566; Q1 (Paleontology)]
PETTI F.M., FURRER H., COLLO E., MARTINETTO E., BERNARDI M., DELFINO M., ROMANO M.* & PIAZZA M., 2020. Archosauriform footprints in the Lower Triassic of Western Alps and their role in understanding the effects of the Permian-Triassic hyperthermal. PeerJ, 8: e10522. [39 pp.] [IF 2.984; Q2 (Multidisciplinary Sciences]
RACCA L.*, VILLA A., WENCKER L.C.M., CAMAITI M., BLAIN H.-A. & DELFINO M.*, 2020. Skull osteology and osteological phylogeny of the Western whip snake Hierophis viridiflavus (Squamata, Colubridae). Journal of Morphology, 281(7): 808-833. [IF 1.804; Q3 (Anatomy & -Morphology)]
VILLA A., BACCIOTTI M., SALA B. & DELFINO M., 2020. Early Biharian amphibians and reptiles from Monte La Mesa (Verona, northeastern Italy): a typical herpetological association from the Early Pleistocene of Veneto. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 59(2): 85-104. [IF 1.969; Q2 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A., BON M. & DELFINO M., 2020 (online first 2018). Trapped in a Roman well: amphibians and reptiles from Tenuta Zuccarello near Marcon, Venice, Italy. Historical Biology, 32(1): 55-70. [IF 2.259; Q1 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A., GEORGALIS G.L. & DELFINO M., 2020. The latest Early Pleistocene amphibians and reptiles from Kaiafas (Greece) and the first record of fossil Ophiomorus (Squamata, Scincidae). Geobios, 62: 79-90. [IF 1.529; Q3 (Paleontology)]
BLAIN H.-A., FAGOAGA A., RUIZ-SANCHEZ F.-J., BISBAL-CHINESTA J.F. & DELFINO M., 2019. Latest Villafranchian climate and landscape reconstructions at Pirro Nord (southern Italy). Geology, 47(9): 829-832. [IF 4.768; Q1 (Geology)]
Camaiti M., Villa A., Wencker L.C.M., Bauer A.M., Stanley E.L. & Delfino M., 2019. Descriptive osteology and patterns of limb loss of the European limbless skink Ophiomorus punctatissimus (Squamata, Scincidae). Journal of Anatomy, 235: 313-345. [IF 2.013; Q2 (Anatomy & Morphology)]
DELFINO M., MARTIN J.E., de LAPPARENT de BROIN F. & SMITH T., 2019. Evidence for a pre-PETM dispersal of the earliest European crocodyloids. Historical Biology, 31(7): 845-852. [IF 2.023; Q2 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., ARCA M., ROOK L., TUVERI C. & DELFINO M., 2019. A new colubroid snake (Serpentes) from the early Pleistocene of Sardinia. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 58(3), 2019, 277-294 [IF 1.190; Q3 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., VILLA A., IVANOV M., ROUSSIAKIS S., SKANDALOS P. & DELFINO M., 2019 (online first 2017). Early Miocene herpetofaunas from the Greek localities of Aliveri and Karydia – bridging a gap in the knowledge of amphibians and reptiles from the early Neogene of southeastern Europe. Historical Biology, 31: 1045-1064. [IF 2.023; Q2 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., VILLA A., IVANOV M., VASILYAN D. & DELFINO M., 2019. Fossil amphibians and reptiles from the Neogene locality of Maramena (Greece), the most diverse European herpetofauna at the Miocene / Pliocene transition boundary. Palaeontologia Electronica, 22.3.68: 1-99. [IF 1.616; Q2 (Paleontology)]
MACALUSO L., CARNEVALE G., CASU R., PIETROCOLA D., VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2019. Structural and environmental constraints on reduction of paired appendages among vertebrates. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 128(2): 473-485. [IF 1.961; Q3 (Evolutionary Biology)]
MACALUSO L., MARTIN J.E., DEL FAVERO L. & DELFINO M., 2019. Revision of the crocodilians from the Oligocene of Monteviale (NE Italy) and the diversity of European eusuchians across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e1601098, 13 pages. [IF 1.863; Q2 (Paleontology)]
SCHEYER T.M., HUTCHINSON J.R., STRAUSS O., DELFINO M., CARRILLO-BRICEÑO J.D., SÁNCHEZ R. & SÁNCHEZ-VILLAGRA M.R., 2019. Giant extinct caiman breaks constraint on axial skeleton of extant crocodylians. eLife, 8: e49972. [IF 7.080; Q1 (Biology)]
SMIROLDO G., VILLA A., TREMOLADA P., GARIANO P., BALESTRIERI A. & DELFINO M., 2019. Amphibians in Eurasian otter Lutra lutra diet: osteological identification unveils hidden prey richness and male-biased predation on anurans. Mammal Review, 49: 240-255. [IF 2.804; Q1 (Zoology)]
VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2019. A comparative atlas of the cranial osteology of European lizards (Reptilia, Squamata). Zoological Journal Linnean Society, 187: 828–928. [IF 2.824; Q1 (Zoology)]
VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2019. Fossil lizards and worm lizards (Reptilia, Squamata) from the Neogene and Quaternary of Europe: an overview. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology,138(2), 177-211. [IF 1.102; Q4 (Palaeontology)]
VILLA A., DELFINO M., LUJÁN À.H., ALMÉCIJA S. & ALBA D.M., 2019. First record of Latonia gigantea (Anura, Alytidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Historical Biology, 31(3): 371-382. [IF 2.023; Q2 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A., KIRCHNER M., ALBA D.M., BERNARDINI F., BOLET A., LUJÁN À.H., FORTUNY J., HIPSLEY C.A., MÜLLER J., SINDACO R., TUNIZ C. & DELFINO M., 2019. Comparative cranial osteology of Blanus (Squamata, Amphisbaenia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 185(3): 693-716. [IF 2.824; Q1 (Zoology)]
ZOBOLI D., SANCIU L., PILLOLA G.L. & DELFINO M., 2019. An overview of the crocodylian fossil record from Sardinia (Italy). Annales de Paléontologie, 105(2): 123-137. [IF 0.911; Q4 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M. & SÁNCHEZ-VILLAGRA M.R., 2018. A late Miocene pipine frog from the Urumaco Formation, Venezuela. Ameghiniana, 55: 210-214. [IF 1.299 ; Q3 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M., CANDILIO F., CARNEVALE G., COPPA A., MEDIN T., PAVIA M., ROOK L., URCIUOLI A. & VILLA A., 2018. The early Pleistocene vertebrate fauna of Mulhuli-Amo (Buia area, Danakil Depression, Eritrea). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 57(1): 27-44. [IF 1.191; Q3 (Paleontology)]
COSSU I.M., FRAU S., DELFINO M., CHIODI A., CORTI C. & BELLATI A., 2018. First report of Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758) from Sardinia (Italy). Acta Herpetologica, 13(1): 43-49. [IF 0.722; Q4 (Zoology)]
FRAZIER J., AZZARÀ V., MUNOZ O., MARCUCCI L.G., BADEL E., GENCHI F., CATTANI M., TOSI M. & DELFINO M.*, 2018. Leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, at Mid-Late Holocene archaeological sites in coastal Oman: clues of past worlds. PeerJ, 6:e6123. DOI 10.7717/peerj.6123 [34 pp.] [IF 2.353; Q2 (Multidisciplinary Sciences]
GEORGALIS G.L., VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2018. The last amphisbaenian (Squamata) from continental Eastern Europe. Annales de Paléontologie, 104(2): 155-159. [IF 0.681; Q4 (Paleontology)]
SCHEYER T.M., DELFINO M., KLEIN N., BUNBURY N.J., FLEISCHER-DOGLEY F. & HANSEN D.M., 2018. Trophic interactions between larger crocodylians and giant tortoises on Aldabra Atoll, Western Indian Ocean, during the Late Pleistocene. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 171800. [IF 2.515; Q2 (Multidisciplinary Science)]
TSCHOPP E., VILLA A., CAMAITI M., FERRO L., TUVERI C., ROOK L., ARCA M. & DELFINO M., 2018. The first fossils of Timon (Squamata: Lacertinae) from Sardinia (Italy) and potential causes for its local extinction in the Pleistocene. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 184(3): 825–856. [IF 2.909; Q1 (Zoology)]
VILLA A., ABELLA J., ALBA D.M., ALMÉCIJA S., BOLET A., KOUFOS G.D., KNOLL F., LUJÁN À.H., MORALES J., ROBLES J.M., SÁNCHEZ I.M. & DELFINO M., 2018. Revision of Varanus marathonensis (Squamata, Varanidae) based on historical and new material: morphology, systematics, and paleobiogeography of the European monitor lizards. Plos One, 13(12): e0207719 [IF 2.766; Q2 (Multidisciplinary Sciences]
VILLA A., BLAIN H.-A. & DELFINO M., 2018. The Early Pleistocene herpetofauna of Rivoli Veronese (Northern Italy) as an evidence for humid and forested glacial phases in the Gelasian of Southern Alps. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 490: 393-403. [IF 2.616; Q1 (Palaeontology)]
VILLA A., BLAIN H.-A., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE L. & DELFINO M., 2018. Fossil amphibians and reptiles from Tegelen (Province of Limburg) and the early Pleistocene palaeoclimate of The Netherlands. Quaternary Science Reviews, 187: 203-219. [IF 4.641; Q1 (Geosciences)]
VILLA A., DAZA J.D., BAUER A.M. & DELFINO M., 2018. Comparative cranial osteology of European gekkotans (Reptilia, Squamata). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 184(3): 857-895. [IF 2.909; Q1 (Zoology)]
VILLA A., KOSMA R., ČERŇANSKÝ A. & DELFINO M., 2018. Taxonomical assessment of ‘Bavaricordylus’ Kosma, 2004 (Reptilia, Squamata). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e1487844. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2018.1487844 [IF 1.738; Q1 (Paleontology)]
Colombero S., Alba D.M., D’amico C., Delfino M., Esu D., Giuntelli P., Harzhauser M., Mazza P.P.A., Mosca M., Neubauer T.A., Pavia G., Pavia M., Villa A. & Carnevale G., 2017. Late Messinian mollusks and vertebrates from Moncucco Torinese, north-western Italy. Paleoecological and paleoclimatological implications. Palaeontologia Electronica, 20.1.10A: 1-66. [IF 1.410; Q2 (Paleontology)]
DÍAZ ARÁEZ J.L., DELFINO M., LUJÁN À.H., FORTUNY J., BERNARDINI F. & ALBA D.M.*, 2017. New remains of Diplocynodon (Crocodylia: Diplocynodontidae) from the Early Miocene of the Iberian Peninsula. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 16: 12-26. [IF 1.433; Q2 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., ZOBOLI D, PILLOLA G. & DELFINO M., 2017. A revision of the trionychid turtle Procyclanorbis sardus Portis, 1901 from the late Miocene of Sardinia (Italy). Annales de Paléontologie, 103: 127-134. [IF 1.200; Q3 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2017. Fossil lizards and snakes from Ano Metochi - a diverse squamate fauna from the latest Miocene of northern Greece. Historical Biology, 29(6): 730-742. [IF 1.249; Q2 (Paleontology)]
GEORGALIS G.L., VILLA A. & DELFINO M., 2017. The last European varanid: demise and extinction of monitor lizards (Squamata, Varanidae) from Europe. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e1301946 (7 pages). [IF 2.190; Q1 (Paleontology)]
GRACIA E., VARGAS-RAMÍREZ M., DELFINO M., ANADÓN J.D., GIMÉNEZ A., FAHD S., CORTI C., JDEIDI T.B. & FRITZ U., 2017. Expansion after expansion: dissecting the phylogeography of the widely distributed spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca (Testudines: Testudinidae). Biological Journal Linnean Society, 121 : 641-654. [IF 2.532 ; Q3 (Evolutionary Biology)]
Martinetto E., Momohara A., Bizzarri R., Baldanza A., Delfino M., Esu D. & Sardella R., 2017. Late persistence and deterministic extinction of “humid thermophilous plant taxa of East Asian affinity” (HUTEA) in southern Europe. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 467: 211-231. [IF 2.375; Q1 (Palaeontology)]
NARVÁEZ I., BROCHU C.A., DE CELIS A., DELFINO M., ESCASO F., PÉREZ-GARCÍA A., RABI M. & ORTEGA F., 2017. Case 3743 – Allodaposuchus precedens Nopcsa, 1928 (Crocodyliformes: Eusuchia: Allodaposuchidae): proposed designation of a neotype. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 74: 95-101.
PAVIA M., DELFINO M., LOZAR F., MARTINETTO E., PAVIA G. & CARNEVALE G., 2017. Il patrimonio paleontologico conservato nel Museo di Geologia e Paleontologia dell’Università degli Studi di Torino. Museologia Scientifica Memorie, 17: 76-80.
SEN S., DELFINO M. & KAZANCI N., 2017. Çeştepe, a new early Pliocene vertebrate locality in Central Anatolia and its stratigraphic context. Annales de Paléontologie, 103: 149-163. [IF 1.200; Q3 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A., TSCHOPP E.D., GEORGALIS G.L. & DELFINO M., 2017. Osteology, fossil record and palaeodiversity of the European lizards. Amphibia-Reptilia, 38: 79-88. [IF 1.105; Q2 (Zoology)]
Blain H.-A., Delfino M., Berto C. & Arzarello M., 2016. First record of Pelobates syriacus (Anura, Amphibia) in the Early Pleistocene of Italy. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 96: 111-124. [IF 1.278; Q3 (Paleontology)]
CIRILLI O., BENVENTI M.G., CARNEVALE G., CASANOVAS VILAR I., DELFINO M., FURIÓ M., PAPINI M., VILLA A. & ROOK L.*, 2016. Fosso della Fittaia: the oldest Tusco-Sardinian late Miocene endemic vertebrate assemblages (Baccinello-Cinigiano Basin, Tuscany, Italy). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 122(2): 13-34. [IF 0.851; Q4 (Paleontology)]
Georgalis G.L., Szyndlar Z., Kear B.P. & Delfino M., 2016. New material of Laophis crotaloides, an enigmatic giant snake from Greece, with an overview of the largest fossil European vipers. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 109: 103-116. [IF 1.533; Q3 (Geosciences)]
Georgalis G.L., Villa A. & Delfino M., 2016. First description of a fossil chamaeleonid from Greece and its relevance for the European biogeographic history of the group. The Science of Nature, 103: 1-12. DOI 10.1007/s00114-016-1336-5 [IF 1.191; Q2 (Multidisciplinary Sciences)]
GEORGALIS G.L., VILLA A., VLACHOS E. & DELFINO M., 2016. Fossil amphibians and reptiles from Plakias, Crete: a glimpse into the earliest late Miocene herpetofaunas of southeastern Europe. Geobios, 49: 433-444. [IF 1.431; Q2 (Paleontology)]
LUJÁN À.H., DELFINO M., ROBLES J.M. & ALBA D.M.*, 2016. The Miocene tortoise Testudo catalaunica Bataller, 1926, and a revised phylogeny of extinct species of genus Testudo (Testudines: Testudinidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 178(2): 312-342. [IF 2.711; Q1 (Zoology)]
MARTIN J.E., DELFINO M. & SMITH T., 2016. Osteology and affinities of Dollo’s goniopholidid (Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Early Cretaceous of Bernissart, Belgium. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e1222534. (27 pages) [IF 2.114; Q1 (Paleontology)]
Martin J.E., Delfino M., Garcia G., Godefroit P., Berton S. & Valentin X., 2016. New specimens of Allodaposuchus precedens from France: intraspecific variability and the diversity of European Late Cretaceous eusuchians. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 176(3): 607-631. [IF 2.711; Q1 (Zoology)]
Scheyer T.M. & Delfino M., 2016. The late Miocene caimanine fauna (Crocodylia: Alligatoroidea) of the Urumaco Formation, Venezuela. Palaeontologia Electronica, 19.3.48A: 1–57. [IF 1.400; Q2 (Paleontology)]
VILLA A., ROČEK Z., TSCHOPP E., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE L.W. & DELFINO M., 2016. Palaeobatrachus eurydices n. sp. (Amphibia, Anura), the last Western European palaeobatrachid. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, e1211664. (15 pages) [IF 2.114; Q1 (Paleontology)]
VLACHOS E. & DELFINO M., 2016. Food for thought: sub-fossil and fossil chelonian remains from Franchthi Cave and Megalopolis confirm a glacial refuge for Emys orbicularis in Peloponnesus (S. Greece). Quaternary Science Reviews, 150: 158-171. [IF 4.797; Q1 (Geosciences)]
Ghinassi M., Oms O., Papini M., Scarciglia F., Carnevale G., Sani F., Rook L., Delfino M., Pavia M., Libsekal Y., Bondioli L., Coppa A., Frayer D. & Macchiarelli R., 2015. An integrated study of the Homo-bearing Aalat stratigraphic section (Eritrea): An expanded continental record at the Early–Middle Pleistocene transition. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 112(A): 163-185. [IF 1.326; Q3 (Geosciences)]
Vlachos E., Kotsakis T. & Delfino M., 2015. The chelonians from the latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene locality of Allatini and Pylea (east Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece). Comptes Rendus Palevol, 14: 187-205. [IF 1.047; Q3 (Paleontology)]
ROOK L., DELFINO M. & SAMI M., 2015. I vertebrati fossili della cava del Monticino di Brisighella: una finestra sui popolamenti continentali del Mediterraneo nel Miocene superiore. In: Lucci P. & Piastra S. I Gessi di Brisighella e Rontana. Studio multidisciplinare di un’area carsica nella Vena del Gesso Romagnola. Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Speleologia, S. II, 28: 79-100.
Delfino M. & de Vos J., 2014. A giant crocodile in the Dubois Collection from the Pleistocene of Kali Gedeh (Java). Integrative Zoology, 9: 141-147. [IF 1.904; Q1 (Zoology)]
DELFINO M., ZOBOLI D., CARNEVALE G. & PILLOLA G.L., 2014. The rediscovered holotype of Palaeopython sardus Portis, 1901 from the Miocene of Sardinia belongs to a fish, not a snake. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 53(2): 53: 89-92. [IF 0.953; Q3 (Paleontology)]
Alba D.M., Delson E., Carnevale G., Colombero S., Delfino M., Pavia M. & Pavia G., 2014. First joint record of Mesopithecus and cf. Macaca in the Miocene of Europe. Journal of Human Evolution, 67: 1-18. IF 3.733; Q1 (Anthropology)]
Alba D.M., Colombero S., Delfino M., Martínez-Navarro B., Pavia M. & L. Rook, 2014. A thorny question: the taxonomic identity of the Pirro Nord vertebrae. Journal of Human Evolution, 76: 92-106. [IF 3.733; Q1 (Anthropology)]
Andreone F., Bartolozzi L., Boano G., Boero F., Bologna M., Bon M., Bressi N., Capula M., Casale A., Casiraghi M., Chiozzi G., Delfino M., Doria G., Durante A., Ferrari M., Gippoliti S., Lanzinger M., Latella L., Maio N., Marangoni C., Mazzotti S., Minelli A., Muscio G., Nicolosi P., Pievani T., Razzetti E., Sabella G., Valle M., Vomero V. & Zilli A., 2014. Italian natural history museums on the verge of collapse? ZooKeys, 456: 139-146. [IF 0.933; Q3 (Zoology)]
Bartolini S., Cioppi E., Rook L. & DELFINO M.*, 2014. Late Pleistocene fossils and the future distribution of Rana temporaria along the Apennine Peninsula (Italy). Zoological Studies, 53:76 (10 pp.). [IF 0.776; Q3 (Zoology)]
BLAIN H.-A., AGUSTÍ J., ROOK L., LORDKIPANIDZE D. & DELFINO M.*, 2014. Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental context of the Early Pleistocene hominins from Dmanisi (Georgia, Lesser Caucasus) inferred from the herpetofaunal assemblage. Quaternary Science Reviews, 105: 136-150. [IF 4.572; Q1 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)]
BOLET A., DELFINO M., FORTUNY J., ALMÉCIJA S., ROBLES J.M. & ALBA D.M., 2014. An amphisbaenian skull from the European Miocene and the evolution of Mediterranean worm lizards. PLoS ONE. 9(6): e98082. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098082;;jsessionid=4F64BF229E4BA01B4EB58F01DA99CC44 [IF 3.234; Q1 (Multidisciplinary sciences)]
Colombero S., Angelone C., Bonelli E., Carnevale G., Cavallo O., Delfino M., Giuntelli P., Mazza P., Pavia G., Pavia M. & Repetto G., 2014. The Messinian vertebrate assemblages of Verduno (NW Italy): another brick for a latest Miocene bridge across the Mediterranean. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 272(3): 287-324. [IF 0.519; Q4 (Paleontology)]
Luján à.h., Alba D.M., Fortuny J., Carmona R. & Delfino M., 2014. First cranial remains of Cheirogaster richardi (Testudines: Testudinidae) from the Late Miocene of Ecoparc de Can Mata (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula): taxonomic and phylogenetic implications. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 12(7): 833-864. [IF 3.727; Q1 (Paleontology)]
Luján À.H., Delfino M., Casanovas-Vilar I. & Alba D.M., 2014. Taxonomy of subgenus Temnoclemmys Bergounioux, 1958 (Testudines: Geoemydidae: Ptychogasterinae) based on new material from the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). Comptes Rendus Palevol, 13: 277-295. [IF 1.192; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Martin J.E., Smith T., de Lapparent de Broin F., Escuillié F. & Delfino M., 2014. Late Paleocene eusuchian remains from Mont de Berru, France and the origin of the alligatoroid Diplocynodon. Zoological Journal Linnean Society, 172: 867–891. [IF 2.717; Q1 (Zoology)]
Siori M.S., Boero A., Carnevale G., Colombero S., Delfino M., Sardella R. & Pavia M., 2014. Early Pleistocene small vertebrates from Monte Argentario (central Italy). Paleoecological and biochronological implications. Geobios, 47(6):403-418. doi:10.1016/j.geobios.2014.10.001 [IF 1.243; Q2 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M. & ATZORI M., 2013. An update on the Early Pleistocene herpetofauna from Pirro Nord. Palaeontographica Abteilung A Palaeozoology – Stratigraphy, 298: 19-29. [1.455; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M. & Rossi M.A., 2013. Fossil crocodylid remains from Scontrone (Tortonian, Southern Italy) and the Late Neogene Mediterranean biogeography of crocodylians. Geobios, 46: 25-31. [1.187; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M., Rage J.-C., Bolet A., Alba D.M., 2013. Early Miocene dispersal of the lizard Varanus into Europe: reassessment of vertebral material from Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 58(4): 731-735. [1.722; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M., Scheyer T.M., Chesi F., Fletcher T., Gemel R., Macdonald S., Rabi M. & Salisbury S., 2013. Gross morphology and microstructure of type locality ossicles of Psephophorus polygonus Meyer, 1847 (Testudines, Dermochelyidae). Geological Magazine, 150(5): 767-782. [2.177; Q2 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)]
Bauer A.M., Ceregato A. & Delfino M., 2013. The oldest herpetological collection in the world: the surviving amphibian and reptile specimens of the museum of Ulisse Aldrovandi. Amphibia-Reptilia, 34: 305-321. [1.138; Q2 (Zoology)]
Rook L., Croitor R., Delfino M., Ferretti M.P., Gallai G. & pAVIA M., 2013. The Upper Valdarno Plio-Pleistocene vertebrate records: an historical overview, with notes on palaeobiology and stratigraphic significance of some important taxa. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 132(1): 104-125. [1.679; Q2 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)]
Rook L., Ghinassi M., Carnevale G., Delfino M., Pavia M., Bondioli L., Candilio F., Coppa A., Martínez-Navarro B., Medin T., Papini M. & Libsekal Y., 2013. Stratigraphic context and paleoenvironmental significance of minor taxa (Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, Rodentia) from the late Early Pleistocene palaeoanthropological site of Buia (Eritrea). Journal of Human Evolution, 64: 83-92. [3.867; Q1 (Anthropology)]
Scheyer T.M., Aguilera O.A., Delfino M., Fortier D.C., Carlini A.A., Sánchez R., Carrillo-Briceño J., Quiroz L. & Sánchez-Villagra M.R., 2013. Crocodylian diversity peak and extinction in the late Cenozoic of the northern Neotropics. Nature Communications, 4:1907. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2940; [10.742; Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sciences)]
Delfino M. & Smith T., 2012. Reappraisal of the morphology and phylogenetic relationships of the alligatoroid Diplocynodon deponiae (Frey, Laemmert and Riess, 1987), based on a three-dimensional specimen. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 32(6): 1358-1369. [IF 1.674; Q2 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M., LUJÁN À.H., CARMONA R. & ALBA D.M., 2012. Revision of the extinct Pleistocene tortoise Testudo lunellensis Almera and Bofill, 1903 from Cova de Gràcia (Barcelona, Spain). Amphibia-Reptilia, 33: 215-225. [IF 0.680; Q3 (Zoology)]
Delfino M., PiTRUZZELLA G. & BAILON S., 2011. The Late Pliocene amphibians and reptiles from “Capo Mannu D1 Local Fauna” (Mandriola, Sardinia, Italy). Geodiversitas, 33(2): 357-382. [IF 1.266; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Piras P., Salvi D., Ferrara G., Maiorino L., Delfino M., Pedde L. & Kotsakis T., 2011. The role of post-natal ontogeny in the evolution of phenotypic diversity in Podarcis lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24: 2705-2720. [IF 3.276; Q1 (Ecology)]
Delfino M. & dE Vos J., 2010. A revision of Dubois crocodylians, Gavialis bengawanicus and Crocodylus ossifragus, from the Pleistocene Homo erectus beds of Java. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30(2): 427-441 + Supplementary Data 1 (30 pp.) and 2 (1 p.). [IF 2.241; Q1 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M. & SÁNCHEZ-VILLAGRA M.R., 2010. A survey of the rock record of reptilian ontogeny. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 21: 432-440. [IF 5.908; Q1 (Developmental Biology)]
Delfino M., Fritz U. & Sánchez-Villagra M.R., 2010. Evolutionary and developmental aspects of phalangeal formula variation in pig-nose and soft-shelled turtles (Carettochelyidae and Trionychidae). Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 10: 69-79. [IF 1.581; Q4 (Evolutionary Biology)]
Delfino M., Scheyer T.M., Fritz U. & Sánchez-Villagra M.R., 2010. An integrative approach to examining a homology question: shell structures in soft-shell turtles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 99: 462–476. [IF 2.166; Q3 (Evolutionary Biology)]
Abbate E., Awad A., Billi P., Bruni P., Delfino M., Ferretti M.P., Filippi O., Gallai G., Ghinassi M., Lauritzen S.-E., Lo Vetro D., Martínez-Navarro B., Martini F., Bedri O., Papini M., Rook L. & Sagri M., 2010. Pleistocene environments and human frequentation in the middle Atbara Valley (Khashm et Girba, Eastern Sudan). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 292: 12-34. [IF 2.390; Q1 (Paleontology)]
Carmona R., Alba D.M., Delfino M., Robles J.M., Rotgers C., Bertó Mengual J.V., Balaguer J., Galindo J. & Moyà-Solà S., 2010. Snake fossil remains from the Middle Miocene stratigraphic series of Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, Catalonia, Spain). Cidaris, 30:77-84.
Luján Á.H., Alba D.M., Fortuny J., Carmona R. & Delfino M., 2010. Cranial remains of Cheirogaster Bergounioux 1963 (Testudines: Testudinidae) from the late Miocene of Ecoparc de Can Mata (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain). Cidaris, 30:163-168.
Martin J. & Delfino M., 2010. Recent advances on the comprehension of the biogeography of Cretaceous European Eusuchians. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 293(3-4): 406-418. [IF 2.390; Q1 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M. & Göhlich U.B., 2009. The early Vallesian vertebrates of Atzelsdorf (Late Miocene, Austria). 4. Testudines. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 111A: 499-508.
Delfino M. & Smith T., 2009. A reassessment of the morphology and taxonomic status of ‘Crocodylus’ depressifrons Blainville, 1855 (Crocodylia, Crocodyloidea) based on the Early Eocene remains from Belgium. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 156: 140-167. [IF 2.031; Q1 (Zoology)]
Delfino M., Chesi F. & Fritz U., 2009. Shell morphology of the Egyptian tortoise, Testudo kleinmanni Lortet, 1883, the osteologically least-known Testudo species. Zoological Studies, 48(6): 850-860. [IF 0.860; Q3 (Zoology)]
Delfino M., Doglio S., Roček Z., Seglie D. & Kabiri L., 2009. Osteological peculiarities of Bufo brongersmai (Anura, Bufonidae) and their possible relation to life in an arid environment. Zoological Studies, 48(1): 108-119. [IF 0.860; Q3 (Zoology)]
Chesi F., Delfino M. & Rook L., 2009. Late Miocene Mauremys (Testudines, Geoemydidae) from Tuscany (Italy): evidence of terrapin persistence after a mammal turnover. Journal of Paleontology, 83(3): 379-388. [IF 1.096; Q3 (Paleontology)]
Bona F., Laurenti B. & Delfino M., 2009. Climatic fluctuations during the Last Glacial in the North-western Lombardian Prealps: the Upper Pleistocene faunal assemblages of the Caverna Generosa (Como, Italy). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 15(2): 253-267. [IF 0.540; Q4 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M., 2008. New remains of Crocodylus checchiai Maccagno, 1947 (Crocodylia, Crocodylidae) from the Late Miocene of As Sahabi, Libya. In: Boaz N.T., El-Arnauti A., Pavlakis P. & Salem M. (a cura di). Circum-Mediterranean geology and biotic evolution during the Neogene Period: the perspective from Libya. Garyounis Scientific Bulletin, Special Issue, 5: 111-118.
Delfino M. & Ceregato A., 2008. Herpetological iconography in 16th century: the tempera paintings of Ulisse Aldrovandi. Bibliotheca Herpetologica, 7(2): 4-12.
Delfino M. & Rook L., 2008. African crocodylians in the Late Neogene of Europe. A revision of Crocodylus bambolii Ristori, 1890. Journal of Paleontology, 82(2): 336-343. [IF 0.940; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M., Martin J. & Buffetaut E., 2008. A new species of Acynodon (Crocodylia) from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) of Villaggio del Pescatore, Italy. Palaeontology, 51(5): 1091-1106. [IF 1.517; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M., Martin J. & Buffetaut E., 2008. I coccodrilli del Villaggio del Pescatore: una panoramica generale. Atti del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Trieste, 53(suppl.): 277-284.
Delfino M., Codrea V., Folie A., Dica P., Godefroit P. & Smith T., 2008. A complete skull of Allodaposuchus precedens NOPCSA, 1928 (Eusuchia) and a reassessment of the morphology of the taxon based on the Romanian remains. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28(1):111-122. [IF 1.548; Q1 (Paleontology)]
Delfino M., Kotsakis T., Arca M., Tuveri C., Pitruzzella G. & rook L., 2008. Agamid lizards from the Plio-Pleistocene of Sardinia (Italy) and an overview of the European fossil record of the family. Geodiversitas, 30(3): 641-656. [IF 0.979; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Abbazzi L., Delfino M., Gallai G., Trebini L. & Rook L., 2008. New data on the vertebrate assemblage of Fiume Santo (North-western Sardinia, Italy), and overview on the Late Miocene Tusco-Sardinia paleobioprovince. Palaeontology, 51(2): 425-451. [IF 1.517; Q2 (Paleontology)]
Abbazzi L., Carboni S., Delfino M., Gallai G., Lecca L. & Rook L., 2008. Fossil vertebrates (Mammalia and Reptilia) from Capo Mannu (Late Pliocene, Western Sardinia, Italy) with description of a new Testudo (Chelonii, Testudinidae) species. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 114(1): 119-132. [IF 0.766; Q3 (Paleontology)]
ROOK L., ABBAZZI L., CHESI F., DELFINO M., FERRETTI M.P. & GALLAI, G., 2008. The Italian record of latest Miocene continental vertebrates. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 47(2): 191-194.
DELFINO M., BÖHME M. & ROOK L., 2007. First European evidence for transcontinental dispersal of Crocodylus (late Neogene of southern Italy). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 149: 293-307. [IF 2.290; Q1 (Zoology)]
Delfino M., Bar-Oz G. and Weissbrod L., 2007. Recent shrinkage of the range of the eastern spadefoot toad, Pelobates syriacus (Amphibia: Anura): archaeological evidence from the Bronze Age of Israel. Zoology in the Middle East, 40: 45-52.
DELFINO M. & SALA B., 2007. Late Pliocene Albanerpetontid (Lissamphibia) from Italy. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27(3): 716-719. [IF 1.367; Q1 (Paleontology)]
CHESI F., DELFINO M., ABBAZZI L., CARBONI S., LECCA L. & ROOK L., 2007. New fossil vertebrate remains from San Giovanni di Sinis (Late Pleistocene, Sardinia): the last Mauremys (Reptilia, Testudines) in the Central Mediterranean. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 113(2): 287-297. [IF 0.483; Q4 (Paleontology]
Chesi F., Delfino M., Varola A. & Rook L., 2007. Fossil sea turtles (Chelonii, Dermochelyidae and Cheloniidae) from the Miocene of Pietra Leccese (Late Burdigalian - Early Messinian) of Southern Italy. Geodiversitas, 29(2): 321-333. [IF 0.630; Q3 (Paleontology]
PIRAS P., DELFINO M., DEL FAVERO L. & KOTSAKIS T., 2007. Phylogenetic position of the crocodylian Megadontosuchus arduini (de Zigno, 1880) and tomistomine palaeobiogeography. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 52(2): 315-328. [IF 1.067; Q2 (Paleontology]
Delfino M. & Dal Sasso C., 2006. Marine reptiles (Thalattosuchia) from the Early Jurassic of Lombardy (northern Italy). Geobios, 39: 346-354. [IF 0.797; Q3 (Paleontology)]
ROOK L., ABBAZZI L., DELFINO M., GALLAI G. & TREBINI L., 2006. Il giacimento paleontologico di Fiume Santo. Stato delle ricerche e prospettive a dieci anni dalla scoperta. International Journal of Archaeology - Sardinia, Corsica, Baleares antiquae, 4: 9-17.
DELFINO M., 2005. Letters to the Editor: The past and future of extant amphibians. Science, 308: 49-50. [IF 30.927; Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sciences)]
DELFINO M., PIRAS P. & SMITH T., 2005. Anatomy and phylogeny of the gavialoid crocodylian Eosuchus lerichei from the Paleocene Europe. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 50(3): 565-580. [IF 1.204; Q2 (Paleontology]
Delfino M., Razzetti E. & Salvidio S., 2005. European plethodontids: palaeontological data and biogeographical considerations. Atti Museo Civico Storia Naturale Genova, 97: 45-58.
MASINI F., GIANNINI T., ABBAZZI L., FANFANI F., DELFINO M., MAUL L.C., TORRE D., 2005. A Latest Biharian small Vertebrate fauna from the lacustrine succession of San Lorenzo (Santarcangelo basin, Basilicata, Italy). Quaternary International, 131: 79-83. [IF 1.210; Q2 (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)]
DELFINO M., 2004. The middle Pleistocene herpetofauna of Valdemino Cave (Liguria, North-Western Italy). Herpetological Journal, 14: 113-128. [IF 0.434; Q4 (Zoology)]
DELFINO M., 2004. Herpetological paleodiversity: general considerations about the Italian fossil record of modern species. Italian Journal of Zoology, 71 (suppl. 2): 13-16. [IF 0.460; Q4 (Zoology)]
DELFINO M., SEGID A., YOSIEF D., SHOSHANI J., ROOK L. & LIBSEKAL Y., 2004. Fossil reptiles from the Pleistocene Homo-bearing locality of Buia (Eritrea, Northern Danakil Depression). Pp. 51-60. In: Abbate E., Woldehaimanot B., Libsekal Y., Tecle T.M. & Rook L. (a cura di), A step towards human origins. The Buia Homo one-million-years ago in the Eritrean Danakil Depression (East Africa). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 110 (supplement), 144 pp. [IF 0.394; Q4 (Paleontology)]
KOTSAKIS A., DELFINO M. & PIRAS P., 2004. Italian Cenozoic crocodilians: taxa, timing and palaeobiogeographic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 210: 67-87. [IF 1.974; Q1 (Paleontology)]
Abbazzi A., Angelone C., Arca M., Barisone G., Bedetti C., Delfino M., Kotsakis T., Marcolini F., Palombo M.R., Pavia M., Piras P., Rook L., Torre D., Tuveri C. & Valli A.M.F. & Wilkens B., 2004. Plio-Pleistocene fossil vertebrates of Monte Tuttavista (Orosei, E Sardinia, Italy), an overview. Rivista Italiana Paleontologia Stratigrafia, 110(3): 681-706. [IF 0.394; Q4 (Paleontology)]
DELFINO M., 2003. A Pleistocene amphisbaenian from Sicily. Amphibia-Reptilia, 24(4): 407-414. [IF 0.417: Q4 (Zoology)]
Delfino M., Rage J.-C. & Rook L., 2003. Tertiary mammal turnover phenomena: what happened to the herpetofauna? In: Reumer J.W.F. & Wessel W. (a cura di) - Distribution and migration of Tertiary mammals in Eurasia, a volume in honour of Hans de Bruijn. Deinsea, 10: 153-161.
DELFINO M. & SZYNDLAR Z., 2003. Coluber etruriae Portis, 1890 (Serpentes: Colubridae), a redescription. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatschefte, 2003(2): 65-72. [IF 0.123; Q4 (Paleontology)]
Rook L., Abbazzi A., Angelone C., Arca M., Barisone G., Bedetti C., Delfino M., Kotsakis T., Marcolini F., Palombo M.R., Pavia M., Piras P., Torre D., Tuveri C., Valli A. & Wilkens B., 2003. Osservazioni preliminari sui vertebrati fossili Plio-Pleistocenici del Monte Tuttavista (Orosei, Sardegna). International Journal of Archaeology - Sardinia, Corsica et Baleares Antiquae, 1: 11-29.
Rook L. & Delfino M., 2003. I vertebrati fossili di Brisighella nel quadro dei popolamenti continentali del Mediterraneo durante il Neogene. Ravenna Studi e Ricerche, 10/1: 179-207.
Masini F., Bonfiglio L., Abbazzi L., Delfino M., Fanfani F., Ferretti M., Kotsakis T., Marra A.C. & Torre D., 2002. Vertebrate assemblages of the central-western Mediterranean islands during the Pliocene and Quaternary: reflecting on extinction events. Vth Deia International Conference of Prehistory - World Island in Prehistory: 2001, British Archaeological Research Reports, International Series n. 1095, 437-444.
Masini F., Bonfiglio L., Marra A.C., Abbazzi L., Delfino M., Fanfani F. & Torre D., 2002. The role of coastal areas in the Neogene-Quaternary mammal island population of the central Mediterranean. Biogeographia, 23: 165-189.
DELFINO M., 2001. Coccodrilli italiani. Pianura, 13: 47-49.
Cantalamessa G., Di Celma C., Bianucci G., Carnevale G., Coltorti M., Delfino M., Ficcarelli G., Moreno Espinosa M., Naldini D., Pieruccini P., Ragaini L., Rook L., Rossi M., Tito G., Torre D., Valleri G. & Landini W., 2001. A new vertebrate fossiliferous site from the Late Quaternary at San Josè on the north coast of Ecuador: prelimiary note. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 14: 331-334. [IF 0.681; Q N/A (Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)]
BON M., TRABUCCO R. & DELFINO M., 2001. La fauna del pozzo romano di Lova (Laguna di Venezia, I sec. a.C - I sec. d.C.). Bollettino del Museo civico di Storia Nataturale di Venezia, 51 (2000): 159-185.
2000 e anni precedenti
DELFINO M. & BAILON S., 2000. Early Pleistocene herpetofauna from Cava Dell’Erba and Cava Pirro (Apulia, Southern Italy). Herpetological Journal, 10: 95-110. [IF 0.915; Q N/A (Zoology)]
DELFINO M. & BRESSI N., 2000. Erpetofauna olocenica proveniente dalla Grotta dell'Edera (Trieste). In: Quaderni Società Preistoria Protostoria Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia, VIII, "Scritti sul Paleolitico, Mesolitico e Neolitico del Bacino dell'Adriatico in Ricordo di Mario Radmilli": 115-125.
CORTI C., BÖHME W., DELFINO M. & MASSETI M., 1999. Man and Lacertids on the Mediterranean Islands: conservation perspectives. Natura Croatica, 8(3): 1-14.
CORTI C., MASSETI M., DELFINO M. & PéREZ-MELLADO V. (1999). Man and herpetofauna of the mediterranean islands. Revista Espanola Herpetologia, 13: 83-100.
RUSTIONI M., MAZZA P., ABBAZZI L., DELFINO M., ROOK L., PETRUCCI S. & VIANELLO F., 1994. The Würmian fauna from Sternatia (Lecce, Apulia, Italy). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 33(2): 279-288.
- Erpetologia (SVB0174)
Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo - Laboratorio di Scavo Paleontologico (non attivato a partire dall'AA 2018-2019) (MFN1298)
Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo - Museologia Naturalistica (SVB0274)
Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo - Paleontologia (MFN0694)
Scienze Naturali, Scienze dei Sistemi Naturali,
Evoluzione del comportamento animale e dell’uomo
Research topics
Si interessa ad aspetti di paleontologia, morfologia, sistematica, filogenesi, e biogeografia degli anfibi e dei rettili. Le principali linee di ricerca riguardano il contributo dei fossili alla conoscenza della filogenesi dei coccodrilli e dell’evoluzione dei popolamenti erpetologici europei e dell’area mediterranea. Si è inoltre occupato dell’identificazione e dell’interpretazione dei resti dell’erpetofauna rinvenuti in associazione con fossili umani di Eritrea, Georgia, Kenya, Indonesia, Israele, Italia, Oman e Sudan.
Research projects
- Biogeografia e paleoecologia dei vertebrati messiniani italiani
- Diversificazione morfologica nel tempo profondo: analisi comparativa in gruppi selezionati di vertebrati
- L'evento climatico di 1 Ma in Africa orientale: interpretazione di trends e ritmi di dinamica ambientale attraverso l'analisi di indicatori biotici e abiotici (PRIN 2012)
- Paleobiodiversità, paleobiogeografia e paleoecologia dei vertebrati messiniani italiani: confronto tra record marino e continentale
Academic bodies
- LM SSN - Commissione Medaglia d'Argento
- LM SSN - Commissione Monitoraggio e Riesame
- LM SSN - Commissione Riconoscimento Titoli Accademici Esteri
- LM SSN - Delegato per la valutazione della didattica
- LM SSN - Giunta Didattica
- LT Scienze Naturali - Commissione Riconoscimento Titoli di Studio Esteri e Internazionalizzazione
- LT Scienze Naturali - Delegati per l'Orientamento
Office hours
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