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After the PhD

Because sustainability is more important than ever, PhD students may find that they have many exciting career prospects. In keeping with its essence, the “Sciences of sustainability” PhD programme seeks to train “Leaders for Sustainability”.

Topics include leadership development, responsible strategic decision-making, servant leadership and service as a leadership competency.
Their competences will be appreciated at local, national and international levels. Doctors in “Sustainable development and cooperation” may find employment within local, national and international institutions in charge of management and valorisation of the territory, biodiversity, cultural heritage, as natural scientists, conservation experts, heritage managers of Museums and parks, energy managers, water and soil conservation technicians and much more.
PhDs may pursue an academic career in reputable research centres and be involved in the creation of goods and services that use non-polluting processes, the development of safe and sustainable practices for workers, and the conservation of natural and renewable resources also in non-profit organisms and NGOs such as WWF, FAO, AUF, Legambiente or health agencies such as OMS, ECDC, OCSE or development agencies such as UNDP, UNIDO, UNEP, World Bank.
They may find employment in several private sectors, such as green energy manufacturing, food processing companies, cosmetic firms and agriculture, with reference to the certification of sustainable and biological products and prevention of environmental crimes, as environmental toxicologists or certifiers.

The specific innovativeness of Knowledge-transfer objectives of this programme can be summarised as follows:

  • To train a new generation of international students.
    Students will carry out research on a specific project, which will be integrated into one of the core themes. Supervisors and students will attend regular group meetings and organise workshops, at least twice a semester, in which students and staff alike will present their research. This will be done at each of the Departments involved (in a rota), and all academic and research staff will be invited to attend. On-line attendance will also be possible. 

  • To develop new third level curricula in HEIs in both European and ACP Countries.
    Complying with EU and ACP standards, the International PhD aims to increasing the scientific and pedagogic expertise of partner HEIs teaching staff, at developing students’ skills and, more generally, at guaranteeing equal access to high-quality education.

  • Foster mobility.
    Mobility between countries is a crucial aspect of this programme and lies at the core of the research and innovation objectives. Mobility between countries will be promoted also by improving students’ ability to successfully apply for seed grants and by involving international and national organisations and the private sectors. The UNITA Alliance will provide an excellent springboard for both physical and virtual mobility between partners. The University of Turin is promoting extra-European mobility – for which also PhD students are eligible - via specific calls under the Youth fund provided by MIUR.

  • Distance learning.
    How to structure a module and comply with international standards, on-line student tutoring, and evaluation, FAQ management, how to get the best from a distance learning platform, characteristics, and exploitability, collaborative instruments, tests submission.
    Overall, the “Sciences of sustainability” PhD programme is founded on unprecedented international and interdisciplinary research- and teaching-based training, aspects not covered or combined by already existing PhD programmes offered by other institutions. The programme will provide the enrolled students with the opportunity to acquire wide and multifaceted knowledge, making them “leaders of sustainability” capable of operating also in small communities living in marginal and fragile territories.


Last update: 25/03/2021 14:10
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