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“Food security & sustainable food processing”

“Food security & sustainable food processing”


  • Annachiara Fioccardi. Development and sustainable intensification of agroforestry production systems by the study of the potential of food and no-food plant species. Tutor: Beccaro. [1. Health; 6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment - biodiversity and natural resources; Agriculture, forestry and rural areas]

  • Elena Franchitti. Wastewater sludge quality improvement by applied biology for biosolids reuse. Tutor: Traversi. [6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment - green technology (circular systems); bioeconomy]

  • Beatrice Valentini. SustWine - linking wine typicity, biodiversity, and environmental matrix. Tutor: Stefanini. [6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment - food technology; biodiversity and natural resources]
Last update: 06/12/2022 00:22
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