“One health & sustainable socio-emotional development”
- Giulia Bacci. Sustainability of work in the life cycle: the implementation of a system to monitor risk factors and to protect the physical, cognitive and emotional capacity of workers. Tutor: Viotti. [1. Health; 2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society]
- Anna Bertucci. FEELIGHT: Rehabilitation and social integration of hemianoptic subjects. Tutor: Lanzilotto. [1. Health; 2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society]
- Manuela Macrì. Wastewater valorisation for sustainable reuse of water for mitigating the impact of climate change. Tutor: Bonetta. [1. Health; 5. climate, energy and mobility; 6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment - green technology (circular systems); bioeconomy]
- Marta Massano. Wastewater Epidemiology: Studying geographical and temporal trends in the use of medicines and illicit drugs to increase environmental and health sustainability. Tutor: Salomone. [1. Health]
- Alessandro Mazza. THINK GREEN GO GREEN Tailored awareness-raising to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment. Tutor: Dalmonte. [1. Health; 3. civil security for society]
- Cinzia Ragni. Fossils on the market: How to exploit a non-renewable resource? Tutor: Delfino. [2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society; 6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment - biodiversity and natural resources]
- Astrid Saraceni. Evaluation of the impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals and microplastics on the development of neuroendocrine regulation of metabolism and reproduction. Tutors: Merlo, Bovolin. [1. Health; 2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society; 6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment - environmental observation; food technology]
- Bianca Tenti. Development of an innovative model to simulate the impact of forest fires. Tutor: Ferrero. [5. climate, energy and mobility; 6. food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, and environment - environmental observation; Agriculture, forestry and rural areas]
- Ilaria Traetta. Development of an innovative model to simulate the impact of forest fires. Tutor: Bosco. [1. Health; 2. Culture, creativity and inclusive society]
- Christina Ververi. Dried Blood Spot analysis as a sustainable and innovative approach for the detection of psychoactive substances and markers of alcohol abuse. Tutor: Salomone. [1. Health]