Webinar BluEco Can the economy of the oceans really be sustainable?
Da: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 14:00
Fino a: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 19:30
Can the economy of the oceans really be sustainable?
We will try to answer in five sessions:
- What future for our oceans ?
- Can we speak about sustainable oceans ?
- What future for the fisheries industry ?
- How to financial support the sustainable oceans ?
- What are and will be the policies for marine human activities ?
To answer these questions, we will listen the following speakers (in alphabetic order) : Scott Barrett (Columbia University, USA), Sven Biermann (Fisheries Transparency Initiative, Seychelles), Nick Branigan (HMRC Fraud Investigation Service Edinburgh, UK), Tanya Bryan (GRID-Arendal, Norway), Mario Caña (GRID-Arendal, Norway), Daniela Diz (Heriot-Watt University, Scotland), Claire Jolly (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, France), Julia Kercher (WoMen+Sea, Norway), Ricardo Mourinho Félix (European Investment Bank, Luxembourg), Yoshitaka Ota (School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, USA), Linwood Pendleton (Ocean Knowledge-Action Network, France), Mauro
Randone (WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative), Olivier Thébaud (Ifremer, AMURE Research Center, France), Piera Tortora (Co-ordinator of the Sustainable Ocean for All Initiative, OECD Development Directorate), Cheung William (University of British Columbia, Canada).
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